Creating an XML Application
41-001160-03, Rev 00, Release 2.4 F-55
The following are examples of using the “mix” and “disableIcon” execute
commands with the AastraIPPhoneExecute object. These commands apply to
both the RTP and multicast RTP XML commands (RTPTx, RTPRx, RTPMTx,
• Send mix unicast RTP stream (if there is existing voice call) to Mix icon is displayed on the phone’s call screen.
<ExecuteItem URI="RTPTx:">
• Receive unicast RTP stream from at port 21000 with the egress
voice settings at 3 levels more than the current offset and play on top of the
existing voice stream (if any).
<ExecuteItem URI="RTPRx:">
• Receive unicast RTP stream from at port 21000 with the voice
settings as used earlier and play on top of the existing voice call (if any). Also,
the mixing icon is not shown on the call screen.
<ExecuteItem URI="RTPRx:">