Data Addendum
Sound Examiner SE-400 Series
Windscreen corrections with QE7052 microphone
*Note: add to the windscreen response to calculate the response without the windscreen
Display and Integration (sections: 5.15.5, 5.15.6, 5.15.7, 9.2.5f)
The display update rate is 1 second. The display is updated every second during integration.
Resetting Overload, Under Range, Maximum, and Peak (section 9.2.5 k)
Press the run key to reset. This will reset the measurement data and the indicators. The time to reset is immediate.
Minimum/Maximum integration time (sections: 5.17.1, 5.17.2)
The Minimum/Maximum integration time for measurement time-average levels.
Reference direction (section: 9.2.5a)
The reference direction is at 0⁰ for both BK4936 and QE7052 microphone. The equivalent random incidence direction is 70⁰.
AC/DC Output Characteristics (section 5.16.1)
AC Output:
Weighting: Z-Weighting
Range of Signal: +/- 2.5 Vp
Output Impedance: 2K Ohm
Recommended load impedance: > 40K Ohms
DC Output:
Weighting: A, C, or Z (as set by user)
Range of Signal: 0 to 3.3Vdc, 1mV = 0.1dB (i.e. 450mV = 45.0dB), Under-range ~ 0Vdc, Overload >= 2.0Vdc
Output Impedance: 1K Ohm
Recommended load impedance: > 20K