Data Addendum
Sound Examiner SE-400 Series
Linear operating range with SPL Z-Weighting and LEQ Z-Weighting (sections: 5.5.10, 5.5.11, 9.2.7e, 9.3e, 9.3f)
Note: Reference level 114 dB, Cal Point: 400mVrms = 114 dB @ 1 kHz
Linear Operating Range (dB)
Linear Operating Range (dB)
Electrical signal input (sections: 5.1.15, 9.3)
The equivalent input voltages for Type/Class 1 and Type/Class 2 at 1 kHz are listed below.
Maximum input level (sections: 5.1.16, 9.3i)
The maximum acoustic input level is 150 dB. The maximum level at the electrical input is 11 VAC.
Self generated noise levels (sections: 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3, 9.3)
Level of self-generated noise in decibels (dB). Applies to time average and both fast and slow time weighting.
To measure 12 pF 50 Ohm connect a standard 50 Ohm terminator to the 073-738,12 pF 50 Ohm input adapter, to the
preamp input.
12 pF 50 Ohm input adapter