CLI Commands B-17
kill <“process name”> Kills an active process. Use list processes to see which processes are currently
active. You can only kill a process that you started. An example would be a ping
that you started that you now wish to kill.
list access Displays all IP Subnet addresses in the access list.
list active interfaces Displays the index, name, operational status, and administration status of all active
interfaces. The output is the same as the list interfaces command, except
non-active interfaces are not displayed. Inactive interfaces are interfaces with no
current connections.
list bridge forwarding Displays the forwarding and filtering information
■ MAC address - A unicast MAC address for which the bridge has forwarding
and/or filtering data
■ Status - One of:
■ other - not one of the following
■ invalid - aged out
■ learned - learned, and in use
■ self - statically defined, and in use
■ mgmt - unknown, but filtering information exists
■ RxPkt - Number of packets received from this MAC station
■ RxOctets - No. of bytes (octets) received from this MAC station
■ Fltr - Number of packets received from this MAC station that were filtered
out (discarded)
■ Fwd - Number of packets received from this MAC station that were
■ TxPkt - Number of packets forwarded to this MAC station
■ TxOctets - Number of bytes forwarded to this MAC station
list call events Displays the last twenty call events. This is useful when trying to determine why a
call over the WAN is not being established. The table displays the system, the up
time, and the event.
list call log Displays the current call status for all VCs for which a call has been attemped.
Each entry will include the VC name, the current call state (Disconnected,
Connecting, or Connected), and the reason why the last call was cleared. Reasons
for clearing include: line down, PPP timeout, Authentication error, Network
configuration error, and termination initiated from either the local or remote side.