set dns ■ cache_size <number>
■ number_retries <number>
■ timeout <seconds>
Sets the global parameters for DNS; both the local DNS hosts (list DNS host) and
the remote DNS servers (list DNS servers).
set facility
loglevel [level]
Sets the severity reporting level for a facility. The hosts that will receive the error
log entries are defined using add syslog loglevel. Use list facilities to see what the
current loglevel is for each facility. The levels:
■ CRITICAL - a serious system error, which may effect system integrity
■ UNUSUAL - an abnormal event, which the system should recover from
■ COMMON - a regularly occurring event that is not frequent
■ VERBOSE - a regular periodic event, e.g. a routing update message
■ DEBUG - for debugging purposes only
set ilmi vpi <number>
vci <number>
This allows modification of the Virtual Path or Channel ID that will be used for
exchanging ILMI (Integrated Local Management Interface) messages.
set interface
■ filter_access [ON | OFF]
■ input_filter <filter_name>
■ output_filter <filter_name>
Sets filter parameters for the specified protocol on the specified interface. You can
see the available filter files using list filters, view the contents of a filter file using
show filter, and add filter files to FLASH memory using TFTP.
mask IP network mask that applies to the pool of IP addresses being administered.
router IP address that the workstations should use as their default gateway.
start_address First IP address in the pool of IP addresses that will be handed out through
WINS1 IP address of the primary WINS server that the DHCP server will utilize.
WINS2 IP address of the secondary WINS server that the DHCP server will utilize.
Parameters Description
cache_size Enter the size of the cache. The valid range is from 20-500.
number_retries Number of times the resolve name request will be sent to each Name Server
if the server fails to respond to a request before the timeout period. Default
is 1, valid range is 1-5.
timeout Number of seconds to wait before deciding a request to a Name Server has
timed out. Minimum interval and default is 5 seconds, maximum interval is
120 seconds .
Parameters Description
vpi The virtual path identifier for the ILMI.
vci The virtual channel identifier for the ILMI.
Parameters Description