Your communications
software is reporting many
cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) errors and low
characters per second
You may have a bad
phone line.
Optimum flow control
settings may not be
enabled on your modem.
The serial port rate in
your communications
software may be set too
high for your modem’s
UART or your area’s
phone lines.
The remote site you are
dialing into may have
trouble with the file
transfer protocol.
There may be a Terminate
and Stay Resident (TSR)
program (such as a screen
saver or virus scanner)
running in the background,
disrupting data
Try placing the call again. The phone company routes calls
differently each time.
In terminal mode, type AT&F1 and press ENTER to load the
optimum hardware flow control settings.
Lower the serial port rate in your communications software to
57,600 bps, 38,400 bps, or 19,200 bps. Some software programs,
including AOL, allow port rates of 14,400, 28,800, 33,600.
These values are invalid and should not be used. NOTE: The port
rate for an x2 modem cannot be set lower than 57,600 if you
want to achieve and x2 connection.
Try using a different file transfer protocol. Zmodem is the
preferred protocol.
Disable any Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs running
in the background. If you have software running as a TSR, check
the software’s manual for information about disabling its ability
to operate as a TSR.