31. When you see this screen…
• If you want the RapidComm Voice
program to launch at Windows startup,
select the box to the left of Run
RapidComm Voice at Windows
startup. A check will appear in the box.
Then click Finish.
• If you do not want RapidComm Voice
to start every time you start Windows,
simply click Finish.
32. You will see this screen.
This is the main RapidComm Voice screen.
To send your first fax, keep this screen
open. (After this initial run, RapidComm
Voice will not need to be running in order to
send a fax.)
Sending Your First Fax
Using RapidComm Voice software, you can
send and receive faxes directly from your
computer and eliminate the need for a fax
machine. Once you learn the basics of sending
faxes, you can learn more involved fax