TW2000 10/6/05
2.1 Introduction to Installers
Before installing this KERR TW2000 Wood-Fired Boiler, please read the
following instruction manual carefully. This unit is designed to be a freestanding
central heating boiler, or as an add-on to operate in conjunction with an existing
oil, gas, or electric unit, to provide complete central heating in medium sized well-
insulated homes. Before installing be sure unit is properly sized for the intended
application. Warranty does not cover misapplication of unit.
Applicable Standards
The KERR TW2000 Wood-Fired Boiler must be installed in accordance with the
requirements of the National Fire Protection Association codes, the Canadian
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Code, The National Board of Fire
Underwriters, and the C.S.A. Standards for solid fuel burning equipment as
outlined in B365-01. In all cases consult your local authorities and fire insurance
company for specific regulations.
2.2 Uncrating
When you receive your TW2000 Wood-Fired Boiler, check it carefully to ensure
that all components are present and in good condition. If there has been any
damage or loss in transportation, please notify the carrier and retailer at once.
NOTE: Some parts may be packed inside boiler firebox.
Inspect for the following:
1. Firebox/Heat exchanger
2. Poker/Coals rake
3. Cabinet
4. Barometric damper
5. Firebrick (Factory installed in base) See fig. TW-7 for detail.
6. Front insert
7. Overhead baffle
8. Cast door handle assembly
9. Controls package
10. Optional domestic hot water coil
Control Package includes:
1. Dual aquastat, ½” well
2. Single aqustat wt well ½”
3. Damper Motor
4. N/O Zone valve, and fittings
5. Pressure relief valve
6. Tridicator
7. Transformer 120/24V
8. Wiring Harness and Parts
9. Black iron and copper fittings