Model Motor Operating MAX
Number Type Voltage AMP MCA FUSE HP RPM
18,19,20 Totally Enclosed 115/60/1 0.35 0.4 15 1/50* 1075
31,38,42,45,60 Totally Enclosed 115/60/1 2.1 2.6 15 1/20* 1550
53,69,70,77,90,100 Totally Enclosed 115/60/1 1.7** 2.1 15 1/8* 1550
91,126,127,168 Totally Enclosed 115/60/1 2.3** 2.9 15 1/6 1100
137,181,186,230 Totally Enclosed 115/60/1 3.6** 4.5 15 1/4 1100
207,243,260,273,320,354 Totally Enclosed 115/60/1 5.4** 6.8 15 1/2 1100
18,19,20 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 0.98-1.1/0.55 1.2-1.4/0.7 15-15/15 1/6 1140
31,38,42,45,60 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 0.98-1.1/0.55 1.2-1.4/0.7 15-15/15 1/6 1140
53,69,70,77,90,100 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 0.98-1.1/0.55 1.2-1.4/0.7 15-15/15 1/6 1140
91,126,127,168 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 0.98-1.1/0.55 1.2-1.4/0.7 15-15/15 1/6 1140
137,181,186,230 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 1.2-1.4/0.7 1.5-1.8/0.9 15-15/15 1/4 1140
207,243,260,273,320,354 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 1.8-2.0/1.0 2.3-2.5/1.3 15-15/15 1/2 1140
400 Totally Enclosed 208-230/460/60/3 3.1-3.2/1.6 3.9-4.0/2.0 15-15/15 3/4 1140
*Optional variable speed switch is available.
**These motors have automatic thermal overload protection or impedance protection.
Model Motor Operating MAX
Number Type Voltage AMP MCA FUSE HP RPM
Explosion Proof
18,19,20 with Thermal Overload 115/60/1 3.8 4.8 15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
31,38,42,45,60 with Thermal Overload 115/60/1 3.8 4.8 15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
53,69,70,77,90,100 with Thermal Overload 115/60/1 3.8 4.8 15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
91,126,127,168 with Thermal Overload 115/60/1 3.8 4.8 15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
137,181,186,230 with Thermal Overload 115/60/1 4.4 5.5 15 1/4 1140
Explosion Proof
207,243,260,273,320,354 with Thermal Overload 115/60/1 7.8 9.8 15 1/2 1140
Explosion Proof
18,19,20 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 1.0-1.0/0.5 1.3-1.3/0.6 15-15/15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
31,38,42,45,60 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 1.0-1.0/0.5 1.3-1.3/0.6 15-15/15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
53,69,70,77,90,100 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 1.0-1.0/0.5 1.3-1.3/0.6 15-15/15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
91,126,127,168 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 1.0-1.0/0.5 1.3-1.3/0.6 15-15/15 1/6 1140
Explosion Proof
137,181,186,230 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 1.1-1.1/0.55 1.4-1.4/0.7 15-15/15 1/4 1140
Explosion Proof
207,243,260,273,320,354 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 3.1-3.2/1.6 3.9-4.0/2.0 15-15/15 3/4 1145
Explosion Proof
400 with Thermal Overload 208-230/460/60/3 3.1-3.2/1.6 3.9-4.0/2.0 15-15/15 3/4 1145
Model Motor Operating MAX
Number Type Voltage AMP MCA FUSE HP RPM
18-230 Totally Enclosed 575/60/3 0.6 0.8 15 1/3 1140
207,243,260,273,320,354 Totally Enclosed 575/60/3 0.8 1.0 15 1/2 1140
400 Totally Enclosed 575/60/3 1.3 1.6 15 3/4 1140
CAUTION: Select appropriate AMP, MCA, and MAX FUSE for the multiple voltage motors. For example, the AMP, MCA, and MAX FUSE for Model 18 with a 230 volt Totally Enclosed motor is
1.1, 1.4, and 15 respectively.
Table EP-2 Electric Power — Model S Unit Heater — Motor
Table EP-3Electric Power — Model S Unit Heater —Motor
Table EP-1 Electric Power — Model S Unit Heater — Motor