50 TRG-TRC005-EN
1 B to C
2 F to G
3 Air-cooled, evaporative, and water-cooled
4 A decrease in system load and a reduction in the outdoor air temperature
5 Varying the airflow through the condenser coil or flooding the condenser
coil with liquid refrigerant
6 A distributor
7 To direct the water in a rising and falling flow path over the tubes that carry
the refrigerant; resulting in turbulence that improves heat transfer
8 Face-split, intertwined, and row-split
9 Bottom section
10 The thermostatic expansion valve a) maintains the pressure difference
between the high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the system, and b)
maintains the proper amount of superheat in the system by metering the
quantity of liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator, ensuring it will be
completely vaporized within the evaporator.
11 Too much superheat dedicates too much of the tube surface to the
production of superheat, reducing system efficiency. In extreme cases, it
can lead to coil frosting and overheating of the compressor, compromising
its longevity.
12 Low-pressure side to the high-pressure side
13 Upstream of the expansion valve