10 SS-PRC003-EN
Digit 9, 10 - Factory - Installed Options
00 = Packed Stock
0S = Black Epoxy Coated Coil
0R = ReliaTelā¢ Controls
0T = ReliaTel Controls with Black Epoxy
Coated Coil
0U= ReliaTel Controls with LonTalk
Communications Interface (RLCI)
0W = ReliaTel Controls with LonTalkĀ®
Communications Interface (RLCI)
and Black Epoxy Coated Coil
Digit 8 - Electrical Characteristics
D = 380-415/50/3
Split System Condensing Unit Model Nomenclature
Digits 4, 5, 6 - Nominal Gross Cooling
Capacity (MBh)
075 = 75
085 = 85
100 = 100
155 = 15 5
200 = 200
Digit 7- Major Development Sequence
A = 1 Refrigerant Circuit (R22)
B = 2 Refrigerant Circuits (R22)
C = Manifold Scroll Compressors (R22)
D = 1 Refrigerant Circuit (R410A)
E = 2 Refrigerant Circuits (R410A)
F = Manifold Scroll Compressors
Digit 11- Minor Design Sequence
B = Second
TT A 120 A 4 0 0 E A
12 3 456 7 8 910 11 12
Digits 1, 2, 3 - Product Type
TTA = Split System Cooling
Digit 12- Service Digit
A = First
Air Handler Model Nomenclature
Digit 9, 10 - Factory - Installed Options
00 = Packed Stock
Digits 1, 2, 3 - Product Type
TWE = Split System Heat
Pump/Cooling Air Handler
Digits 4, 5, 6 - Nominal Gross Cooling
Capacity (MBh)
050 = 50
075 = 75
100 = 100
155 = 150
200 = 200
Digit 7- Refrigerant Circuit
A = 1 Refrigerant Circuit (R22)
B = 2 Refrigerant Circuits (R22)
D = 1 Refrigerant Circuit (R410A)
E = 2 Refrigerant Circuits (R410A)
Digit 12- Service Digit
A = First
Digit 11- Minor Design Sequence
E = Current Design Sequence
TWE 090 A 1 0 0 E A
12 3 456 7 8 910 11 12
Digit 8 - Electrical Characteristics
0 = 380-415/3/50