Thermo Products MDA1-100N Furnace User Manual

All installations and services must be performed by qualified service personnel.
5. Never test for gas leaks with an open flame. Use a commercially available
soap solution made specifically for the detection of leaks to check all
connections. Refer to Section II, L of this manual.
6. Always adjust the furnace to operate within the furnace’s temperature-rise
range with a duct system, which has an external static pressure within the
allowable range. Refer to Section III, D of this manual.
7. Make sure supply and return air ducts are completely sealed to the furnace
casing. Ductwork must run to an area outside the air space where the
furnace is located and be sealed where it runs through walls, ceilings, and
floors. Refer to Section II, G of this manual.
8. This furnace is not to be used for temporary heating of buildings or structures
under construction
9. Refer to MDA1 horizontal application Section II, F of this manual for safety
switch relocation associated with horizontal installation of the MDA1.
10. Inform and demonstrate to the user, the correct operation and maintenance
of the appliance as explained in the Users Information Manual.
11. Inform the user of the hazards of flammable liquids and vapors and to
remove such liquids and vapors from the vicinity of the appliance.
12. Inform the user of warnings and cautions as well as user information in the
sidewall venting manufacturer’s manual when sidewall venting is applied.
II. Installation Guidelines
A. Codes
All local codes and/or regulations take precedence over the instructions in this
manual and should be followed accordingly. In the absence of local codes,
installation must conform to the instructions and the regulations of the National
Fire Protection Association National Electrical Code
, ANSI/NFPA70-2002, and
the National Fuel Gas Code
, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1-2002, or the latest editions
The heating capacity of the furnace proposed for installation should be based on
a rate of heat loss calculation made according to the manuals provided by the Air
Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) or ASHRAE.