LEADS Addendum
05780A DCN6493 5
Select what activity you wish to undertake with the level by pressing the PREV and NEXT
buttons and then the ENTR button. Please consult the manual for your respective calibrator for
more information on GPT, GPTPS and MANUAL modes.
Then select what gas you wish to flow by pressing the gas button (Zero, O3, NO, SO2, etc.)
repeatedly until you get the gas you wish. Then using the buttons below the concentration
value enter the concentration that you wish to flow; pressing the button below the units display
allows you to change the units of operation.
Please note that unless the calibrator
includes an optional ozone generator
you will not get O3 as a selection, and
unless a gas has been setup under the SETUP|GAS|SOURCE GAS CONFIG menu there will
be no selection for the gas of interest. Please see the manual for your respective calibrator for
more information on this.
After selecting the desired gas by pressing the ENTR button,you will be prompted by the
analyzer to input the total amount of gas that you wish to flow. Using the buttons below the
relevant digit to change the value and then press ENTR.