SPX Cooling Technologies Marley MCW Humidifier User Manual

Specification Value
MCW Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Stainless Steel Options
Stainless Steel Collection Basin:
11.1: Replace paragraph 11.1 with the
following: The collection basin shall
be heavy-gauge Series 300 stainless
steel and shall include the number and
type of suction connections required to
accommodate the out-flow piping sys-
tem shown on the plans. Suction con-
nections shall be equipped with debris
screens. A factory installed, float oper-
ated, mechanical make-up valve shall
be included. An overflow and drain
connection shall be provided in each
cell of the tower. The basin floor shall
slope toward the drain to allow com-
plete flush out of debris and silt which
may accumulate.
All Stainless Cooling Tower
5.1 Replace paragraph 5.1 with the
following: Except where otherwise
specified, all components of the cool-
ing tower shall be fabricated of heavy-
gauge, series 300 stainless steel. The
tower shall be capable of withstanding
operating ranges up to 10°C. The circu-
lating water shall contain no oil, grease,
fatty acids, or organic solvents.
Convenience and Safety Options
Top Access Platform:
10.2 Add the following paragraph in the
Access section: There shall be an
access platform at the top of the tower
to allow access to the drift eliminators
and distribution system. The platform
shall be free-standing galvanized steel
bar grating, supported by galvanized
steel framework. The platform shall be
surrounded by a handrail, kneerail, and
toeboard designed according to meet
local safety requirements. Handrails
and kneerails shall consist of 42mm
O.D. x 15 gauge galvanized structural
tubing, the handrail of which shall
be capable of withstanding a 890 N
concentrated live load in any direc-
tion. Posts are 51mm x 51mm square
structural tubing and shall be spaced
on centers of 2.44m or less.
The cold water basin is the only part of the tower that is subject to
periods of stagnant water, concentrated with treatment chemicals and
customary contaminants. It is also the most expensive and difficult
part of any tower to repair or replace. For these reasons, many cus-
tomers—particularly those who are replacing older towers—choose to
specify stainless steel cold water basins.
For pure resistance to corrosion—coupled with the capability to meet
stringent fire and building codes—there is no substitute for stainless
steel. No paints or electostatically-applied coatings, however exotic
they may be, can match stainless steel's ability to withstand adverse
operating conditions.
Periodic inspection and maintenance of a cooling tower distribu-
tion system is fundamental to preserving maximum cooling system
efficiency. All cooling towers—crossflow or counterflow—are subject
to clogging to varying degrees by waterborne contaminants such as
pipe scale and sediment. Therefore, safe and easy access to these
components is of significant value to the operator.
Access can be provided in a number of ways, including portable lad-
ders or scaffolding, but for maximum safety and convenience, a field
installed Marley access platform with guardrails is available to make
this task as safe and user-friendly as possible. Further, its location on
the side of the tower does not add to the height of the unit, preserv-
ing architectural integrity. It also saves the owner time and money,
in that maintenance personnel may devote their time to inspection
rather than searching for ladders or erection of portable scaffolding.