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Embroidery Design Formats
Download designs from the Internet or work from a collection on CD
or disk.
Design Browser
This function of the software provides for viewing several designs at
one time in order to scroll through and view design collections.
Automatically digitize custom embroidery using your own images or
clip art with control over stitch settings.
3-D Realistic View
Provides a preview of the selected design with the stitches appearing
on screen as they will when sewn out on the fabric.
3-D Realistic Print
This function of the software provides for printing the 3-D realistic
view. This is useful when creating placement templates.
Change Colors
This function of the software provides for selecting colors for an
embroidery design. Software includes thread charts, with color
numbers, for several of the most popular brands of embroidery
Four Design
Transmission Methods
The design can be sent one color block at a time, the whole design
can be sent at one time, the design can be sent in one color or the
color sequence can be chosen during data transmission.
Trace Design
Trace the outline of the design in the embroidery hoop for more accu-
rate design positioning.
Operates with
Start/Stop Button
Use the Start/Stop button to start and stop the machine. No need to
keep the foot pedal pressed down.
Reduce or Enlarge Design
When changing design size the software automatically recalculates
the stitch density.
Move forward or backwards through
a design
Move forward or backwards through the design using the Needle Stop
position button or Reserve Stitch.
Embroidery & Sewing Machine