7.2.2 Dehumidifying mode
1.The indoor fan is fixed in low speed
2. Low room temperature protection:
When room temperature decreases to below 10℃, indoor fan stop, when room temperature
restores to over 12℃, indoor fan start.
3. At dehumidifying mode, the anti-freezing function of the indoor heat exchanger is the same
as that of cooling mode.
7.2.3 Heating mode
1. Indoor Fan actions at heating mode
Indoor Fan can be set at HIGH/MID/LOW/AUTO by using a remote controller, but Anti-cold
wind function prevails.
Anti-cold wind control function at heating mode
T= Indoor exchanger
Indoor fan speed
T<34℃ Off
34℃<T<37℃ Breeze
37℃<T<44℃ Low speed
Indoor exchanger temp.
T> 44℃ Setting fan speed
T> 38℃ Setting fan speed
33℃<T<38℃ Low speed
24℃<T<33℃ Breeze
Indoor exchanger temp.
T<24℃ Off
1. Auto wind at heating mode
T=Indoor Temp.-Setting Temp.
Indoor fan speed
T<1.5℃ High
1.5℃<T<2.5℃ Mid.
Room temp. up
T>2.5℃ Low
T<1.0℃ High
1.0℃<T<2.0℃ Mid.
Room temp. down
T>2.0℃ Low
2. Indoor evaporator high-temperature protection at heating mode
T= Indoor exchanger temp.
T<48℃ On
53℃<T<63℃ Decrease frequency of compressor
T>63℃ Off
7.2.4 Defrost operation
1. Defrosting condition:
The temperature of outdoor heat exchanger remains consecutively lower than -2°c for more
than 40 minutes,
2. Ending condition of defrosting