water intothe air_
Afterwate:r Sadded to the bottle the ill- .:. _ o
er : i iJryA r _nters
t s beg n to soak up:the water and Thmu-h the
becom e totally saturated in approxi- Rear
mately 30 minutes. Air is drawn in from _,
the rear of the humidifier, then passes: 1_
through the filters by means of a circula- _.
tion fan. As air passes through the filters, _Jk..
moisture is absorbed intothe air and then :
released through the top of the humidifier.
This moist air is released inthe form of
vapor. No water droplets willenter the
home. All evaporation into the air takes
place in the humidifier, which means that
the residue left by evaporating water isnot
passed into the home, but remains in the
CAUTION: Use only 42-14900 EPA I
Registered Bacteriostat available
from SEARS Retail store. Under no
circumstances should you use water
treatment products designed for
Roto belt or Ultrasonic humidifiers.
Your new Sears Kenmore humidifier Js
completely assembled for you to use
i i i_ i i iHumidified Air is
.':_'_,::: Then Released
_i_. i i i Through the Top
, T
,t % t
CAUTION: Keep your humidifier
clean. While humidifiers do not
cause colds, some studies suggest
that dirty humidifiers can cause cold-
like symptoms in some people. To
avoid this, we recommend you clean
your humidifier weekly with Humidi-
tier Cleaner 42-14713 and use Bacte-
riostat 42-14900. These are available
at your local Sears store.
Follow the instructionsofthis owner's
manual for proper usage,