Step 11
Lock the base into I_lace by replacing and tightening the
locking mechanism_ecurely.
Step 12
Adjust the filter charpgecalendar(s) to properly indicate
when the next filter _hange is necessary.
Step 13
Turn the HEPA air cleaner upright and the HEPA air cleaner
is ready for operat oh
If you store your K_
for more than 30 d_
1. Remove both the
charcoal pre-filte
2. Discard the pre-
3. Wrap the HEPA
plastic wrap. Be
qmore HEPA Air Cleaning System
ys, we recommend that you:
primary HEPA filter and the
from the unit.
Iter in an air-tight plastic bag or
Jure that the filter is totally sealed.
To restore the air cleaner to service:
1. Unwrap the HEPI_,filter.
2. Install a new activated carbon pre-filter.
3. Replace both filters in the air cleaner.
(see "Filter Reptac_nent" section for proper
Technical Specllfications
Diameter: 12.5inches 31.8cm
Height: 14.3inches 35.8cm
Weight: 8.1 Ibs, 3.7 kgs,
, II
Input Voltage: 120 Volts AC,
80 Hz
IonizationVoltage: 7500 VoltsDC
Sears reserves the right to change or modify any
specification withoult nntice.
Filter Replacement:
Charcoal Pro-tilter 83155
HEPA Filter 83154
Component Parts:
Power Head 83235-1
Base 83235-2
Locking Meet_.nism 83235-3