Super performance
– easy handling
We designed and engineered Profoto tools as a high performance system for
professionals – with built-in ruggedness and durability. At the same time,
we made sure that you can easily control lighting in demanding situations.
As a professional photographer, you have your own special style and needs.
You know what you want to achieve, and it is not right until you can shape
the light your way. Therefore, the Profoto Light Shaping System offers
maximum flexibility.
We set the position of the flash tube high and free of the lamp body, does
making every Light Shaping Tool zoomable. So every one of our tools
offers a cascade of lighting effects.
The Profoto family of Light Shaping Tools covers every angle, from
traditional umbrellas and reflectors, to special effects equipment.
Based on our design philosophy of look, listen and touch, the
controls are easy to read and use – even without reading
manuals. Just choose the tool you need, snap it on, then
zoom it to perfection. You’re in control.
”Set it on seven!”
Large scale of white numbers helps
you remember your favorite settings
for each tool.
Stand attachment
Heavy duty construction and placed so that
even the larger reflectors may be easily
moved without the stand being in the way.
Just zoom
Slide the reflector back for even lighting over
a broad area. Slide it forward to get centered
light with a gradual fall-off at the edges.
Touch me
This silicon-enhanced rubber collar lets you adjust and
change your zoom setting even after hours of shooting.
Change in a snap
All Profoto tools fasten with a virtually unbreakable
rubber and metal clasp that is very easy to use.
Help is here
Easy-to-read charts and numbers help you
find the right light shape setting when zooming.
Grab and move
The sturdy, rubber-clad handle makes adjustments
easy, and keeps your fingers away from the hot head.
Locking handle
Easy to unscrew and re-direct the
head. Frictionless movement and
easy to lock safely, even with the
heavier softboxes.
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