Pro-8a 2400/1200 Air
The Pro-8a Air gives you the power, precision and speed you
need to create perfect pictures, on demand. Flash-to-flash
colour stability of ± 40°K, thanks to Profoto’s patented
PiPE (Pre-ignition Plasma Establishing) technology, makes it
easy to obtain repeatable results. Sensational fast recycling
time 0.05 – 0.9 sec for Pro-8a 2400. Up to 20 flashes per
second. Ultra short flash duration 1/12000 – 1/1600s. 10
f-stop power range with 2 fully assymetric outlets. Extremely
high colour stability ± 50°K over energy range 5.0 – 10.0 ±
40°K flash-to-flash. Energy precision 1 /50 f-stop flash-to-
flash. Has a built in readio for remote control and triggering,
without the need of sync cable.
90 10 01 Pro-8a 1200
90 10 02 Pro-8a 2400
Pro-7a 2400/1200
Turbo recycling, ultra-short flash duration, and the
choice of asymmetrical and symmetrical power
distribution with up to three lamp heads.
90 07 22 Pro-7a 1200
90 07 23 Pro-7a 2400
Pro-7s 2400/1200
Fast recycling, short flash duration and symmetrical
power distribution for up to two lamp heads. Unique
capacitor rotation feature constantly rotates
capacitor banks for maximum efficiency and longer
generator life, especially in heavy-duty use.
90 07 38 Pro-7s 1200
90 07 39 Pro-7s 2400
With Profotos versatility of generators that are available world wide, we are sure
that you will find at least one, for each shoot, that will deliver light to perfection.