Flanders PrecisionAire ~ Foremost in Air Filtration
Toll Free
1.0 General
1.1 Medium and high efficiency self-supporting filters
shall be Precision Pak extended surface type as
manufactured by Flanders.
1.2 Filter sizes, efficiencies and capacities shall
be as scheduled on the drawings.
2.0 Filter Construction
2.1 Filters shall be constructed of lofted fiberglass
or micro-fine synthetic media encased in a
thin non-woven polyester backer mat.
2.2 Open area on the filter face for air passage
be not less than 90%.
2.3 Flexible internal support stitching shall maintain
individual pockets in a controlled form under all rated
air flow conditions. Stitching shall be sealed with
thermoplastic sealant. Edges shall be finished with
over lock stitch to prevent air
2.4 Pockets shall be 100% stake-through
crimped to prevent media pullout.
2.5 Pockets shall be bonded to corrosion-
resistant steel casings and assembled into a
corrosion-resistant steel header.
2.6 Filters shall be UL 900 Class 2 or Class 1
3.0 Performance
3.1 Initial and final resistances shall not exceed the
scheduled values.
3.2 Media area must equal or exceed that of the
specified filter.
3.3 The average efficiency shall be as determined
3.4 The manufacturer shall guarantee
performance as stated in its literature within
tolerances as out-
lined is Section 7.4 of ARI
Standard 850.
Guide Specifications
Application Guidelines
Precision Pak filters should be
installed with pockets vertical
wherever possible. It is acceptable
to install 24" x 12" face size filters
with pockets horizontal if necessary
to meet the size requirements of
the filter banks.
Gasketed Headers
Precision Pak filters installed in
Flanders K-Trac Filter Framing
Modules or Sureseal Side Access
Housings require polyfoam gaskets
on opposite header sides to
prevent air bypass. To specify
Precision Pak filters with gasketed headers, add suffix “SA” (side access), “GU” (upstream), “GD” (downstream)
and “GS” (sides) to the model number.
Properly selected bag filters without prefilters will generally require change out annually in typical HVAC
applications. Because of the frequent maintenance expense and increase in fan kW input using prefilters,
they are often recommended with 85% and 95% efficient Precision Pak final filters. However, the energy
cost to operate a prefilter seldom warrants their use with 55% or 65% filters.
by the ASHRAE Standard 52.1 and 5.22 test