In today’s economy, healthcare facilities need to do everything they can
to protect their bottom lines. Simplification, along with energy-efficient,
long-lasting lighting solutions, means savings.
Because healthcare organizations operate 24–7, even small gains in efficiency
can lead to significant savings. Replacing outdated lighting systems with more
efficient, environmentally-friendly solutions will reduce energy consumption
and maintenance requirements,saving funds for the core mission: healthcare
delivery.Working with fewer lamp types and standardizing wattages can reduce
complexity, making maintenance more manageable and less costly.
Philips has a strong commitment to sustainability and is continuously finding innovative ways to
provide more environmentally sound and energy efficient choices for you.We are convinced that
those facilities that combine the principles of economic growth and environmental stewardship
will be the winners in the future.
To access your potential savings,our team of lighting experts can perform a LightingAudit to
help you maximize your profits without sacrificing your staff and patients’ experience.
Boosting the bottom line
Controlling operations an d
HealthcareT.C.O.O.:TheTotal Cost of (Lighting) Ownership
Understanding how various lighting choices impact the bottom line is essential.These elements
will affect a property’s payback,cash outlays and return on investment.Taken together,it’s the
total cost of ownership,orT.C.O.O.
Four factors drive the total cost of lighting ownership:
The initial purchase cost
for the lighting system.
Beyond first cost,compare performance:
service life,lumen maintenance,and color
rendering and stability.
Annual operating hours
multiplied by electrical cost
Consider product wattages as well as light
output and lamp performance.
Includes labor and
relamping costs.
Longer-life lamps that maintain color stability
and lumen output can reduce maintenance.
Theend-of-life cost,including
disposal and recycling of
lamps,ballastsand fixtures.
Another area where longer-life lamps benefit
the healthcare facilities,by reducing waste
and cost.
Philips MasterColor
Integrated 25W
PAR38 CeramicMetal Halide lamps
consume 3times less energy and last upto 4
times longer than standard 75WPAR38halogen
This cuts cost—but notlight output.
14 Philips Healthcare Lighting
hoursperstart.Itisbasedonsurvivalofatleast50% ofthelampsandallowsforindividuallampsor groups oflampstovaryconsiderablyfromtheaverage.
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