Making a difference
Retaining motivated careg
Ambiance:Healthcare provider staff must be able to perform under stress at all
times of the day and night.Nurse’s stations,doctors’ offices and patient rooms
are busy areas where proper lighting is needed to accurately diagnose patients
and perform demanding tasks.Lamps with a high color
rendering index (CRI 80) promote clarity.
Well-being:The natural rhythms of light and darkness—day and night—
synchronize our biological clocks, affecting alertness and perception levels.The
intensity and color of light—cool vs.warm—can help establish those rhythms
and improve comfort levels.Because natural lighting doesn’t reach many hospital
workspaces,Philips provides lighting solutions that can not only be dimmed,but
can also be changed in color to help recreate the tones of natural daylight,such
as morning and evening levels.
10 Philips Healthcare Lighting
Trend:How working environments influence motivation
and well-being
Choice of tones of white light affects people’s mood and activity levels.
Warm white light Cool white light
Relaxation Activity
Few professionals are as dependent on lighting as healthcare workers.The ability to see
properly can literally be a lifesaver. Around-the-clock operations require environments that
help your staff cope with the demands of their jobs.
Philips Lighting products bring the very best color rendering and clarity available to operating
rooms,diagnostic centers,and doctors’ offices.
Philips eW
LED lighting fixture delivers high-quality
white light that lasts for years andcan be
easily installed under cabinets.
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