F. Fasten the door to the opening:
Door Frames with Nail Fin Only: Insert one 2" galvanized
roofing nail into every other pre-punched hole in the nailing fin.
All Frame Types:
Transom/Sidelight: Remove the sill track and pocket covers
by pulling on the paper ring.
Head and Jambs: At each pre-drilled installation hole, drill
1/8" pilot holes through the outer frame wall, shims and the
rough opening. Drive #10 x 2" corrosion resistant pan head
screws (wood rough openings) or 1/4" x 2" masonry screws
(masonry rough openings) into each pre-drilled hole.
Sill: Place a dab of sealant in each pre-drilled hole in the sill
prior to installing the sill screws. Place a #10 rubber washer
on each sill screw. Drive the screw until the head contacts the
frame, however DO NOT sink the head.
Note: At the sill, it is imperative that sealant be applied
under the screw heads and that it surrounds them to
prevent water leakage. Failure to properly seal the sill
attachment screws may allow water to penetrate the
interior of the home.
Sidelights and Transoms Only: Replace the pocket covers
and sill track.
Fixed Side - Exterior Frame Pocket
H. Install the panel track. Clean the pocket
of any debris and snap the track into the
interior panel pocket.
G. Secure the fixed panel(s) by driving in the #10 x
1-1/2" fixed panel screws. Install the screws from
the interior at an angle as shown. Space one screw
16" from the top and one 16" from the bottom then
one screw in the center.
I. Install the panel bumpers. Locate the slit on the
bumper(s) and place it on the track. Press down to
seat the bumper onto the panel track cap.