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Table 1. Maximum Recommended Length of Steam Line
Unit Size Steam Output Distance Possible Loss Steam Line Size
NH-005 5 lbs/hr 8 feet 1.0 lbs/hr 3/4
NH-010 10 lbs/hr 15 feet 1.5 lbs/hr 3/4
NH-020 20 lbs/hr 20 feet * 2.0 lbs/hr 3/4
NH-030 30 lbs/hr 25 feet * 2.5 lbs/hr 3/4
NH-050 50 lbs/hr 40 feet ** 4.0 lbs/hr 1 ½”
NH-075 75 lbs/hr 50 feet ** 5.0 to 10.0 lbs/hr 1 ½”
NH-100 100 lbs/hr 50 feet ** 5.0 to 10.0 lbs/hr 1 ½”
NH-150 150 lbs/hr 50ft/cylinder ** 5.0 to 10.0 lbs/hr 1 ½” cyl
NH-200 200 lbs/hr 50ft/cylinder ** 5.0 to 10.0 lbs/hr 1 ½” cyl
* Use one inch copper steam line for longer runs.
** Use two inch copper steam line for longer runs.
Notes: 1. This table gives the maximum recommended steam run by unit size.
2. The use of steam line other then copper, stainless steel tube or Nortec supplied steam line will void the
warranty and may adversely effect the operation of the humidifier
3. The NH-150 and NH-200 are dual units.
Table 2. Steam Line Materials
NORTEC Steam Line Copper Tube (Potable)
Stainless Steel Tube
(RO or DI)
Short Run < 10 feet (3m) yes yes yes
Long Run > 10 feet (3m) no yes yes
Do not use plastic, steel, or black iron. Long runs affect accuracy of humidifier and its ability to quickly
respond to changes in demand when tight control is required.
Table 3. Recommended Materials and Sizes for Steam Runs
Unit Size
Steam Run Steam Line Material Steam Line Description
lbs/hr kg/hr ft m
0-30 0-13 0-10 0-3 Copper Tube 0.750 in MED-L Tubing (0.875 inch OD)
0-30 0-13 30+ 3+ Copper Tube 1.0 inch MED-L Tubing (1.125 inch OD)
0-30 0-13 0-10 0-3 Stainless Steel Tube 0.875 inch Tube x 0.049 inch thick
0-30 0-13 30+ 3+ Stainless Steel Tube 1.125 inch Tube x 0.049 inch thick
50-100 22-45 0-20 0-6 Copper Tube 1.500 in MED-L Tubing (1.625 inch OD)
50-100 22-45 20+ 6+ Copper Tube 2.0 inch MED-L Tubing (2.125 inch OD)
50-100 22-45 0-20 0-6 Stainless Steel Tube 1.750 inch Tube x 0.065 inch thick
50-100 22-45 20+ 6+ Stainless Steel Tube 2 inch Tube x 0.065 inch thick
Options show in bold-italic font require that reducers be used at both ends. These extra large sizes are
to allow for better condensation removal in long steam runs. These sizes do not permit the use of hose
couplings to connect either humidifier or distributors.
Insulate steam lines with 1” pipe insulation.