Part One – Your Nighthawk CO Alarm
How to Test Your Alarm (continued)
NOTE: Pressing the Test/Reset button tests the functions of the
alarm’s internal components, circuitry and micro-computer. YOU
READING. CO readings are automatically shown on the alarm’s
digital display. If the alarm shows zero (0), then no measurable
amount of CO has been sensed by the alarm within the past 15
Testing the sensor response
While it is not required, on occasion you may wish to observe
and become familiar with your alarm’s response in the actual
presence of carbon monoxide. The best and safest way to do this
is with either a cigarette or an incense stick. To perform this test
you will need: your alarm, matches or a butane lighter, an ash-
tray, and either a cigarette or an incense stick.
CAUTION: Please refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions”
section for warnings on how NOT to test the sensor response.
WARNING: This test should be done by adults only. Children
should be warned never to light matches or butane lighters.
Please use caution when performing the test described below.
Avoid burns from flame or hot materials. Avoid inhaling exces-
sive smoke from the cigarette or incense stick. Extinguish all
flames and properly discard all hot materials.
Step 1. With a match or a lighter, light a single cigarette or
incense stick. Extinguish the match or lighter. Make sure an
ashtray is available to discard ashes, matches and the burned
cigarette or incense stick.
Step 2. Hold the smoldering cigarette or incense stick 12 - 15
inches directly below the bottom air vents of the CO alarm, mak-
ing sure the stream of smoke rises into the vents.
Step 3. Continue holding the cigarette or incense stick directly
below the alarm for 3 - 5 minutes. Note: Do not hold the ciga-
rette or incense stick closer than 12 inches to the alarm as smoke
will cause a yellow stain to develop on the alarm’s outer case.
Step 4. If your unit alarms, you can silence it by pressing
Test/Reset button and removing the source of CO.
Step 5. Extinguish the cigarette or incense stick by pressing the
smoldering tip into the ashtray.
How to Know If Your Alarm is Malfunctioning
Your alarm performs an internal self-diagnosis every 15 seconds to
make sure that it is functioning properly. The alarm is designed to
alert you in the unusual event of a malfunction.
If the alarm malfunctions.
In the rare event that your alarm malfunctions, it will alert you with
one of these signal groups (depending upon the type of
malfunction that occurs):
Malfunction Signal Group 1 - Component Failure
– An intermittent “chirping” alarm will sound every 20 secs., and
– An “Err” message will appear on the digital display
Malfunction Signal Group 2 - Microprocessor Failure
– The alarm will sound continuously, and
– The digital display will be blank, and
– The alarm cannot be shut off by pushing “Test/Reset” button
Unplug the alarm immediately and return for warranty exchange
(see “Warranty” on back page).
Low Battery Warning
If the 9V battery is missing, or if the battery’s power is low, an “Lb”
message will display which blink’s alternately with the current CO
reading every second. If this happens, you need to replace the bat-
tery. Refer to page 1-5 for more on low battery warnings.
What to do if you’re not sure...
PLEASE familiarize yourself with the malfunction alert, and do not
confuse these signals with an alarm. After reading the information
above, if you are still unsure whether your alarm is operating prop-
erly, call the KIDDE Safety toll-free consumer hotline at 800-880-
6788 to do a quick diagnostic check of the alarm over the phone.
The customer service representative will be able to assist you and
answer your questions.
If your alarm sounder is beeping, and you are not sure if it is a CO
alarm or a malfunction alert, reset the alarm, open windows for
ventilation, turn off fuel-burning appliances (like kerosene or oil
heaters, furnaces, gas ranges, wood-burning stoves, water heaters,
or other fossil-fuel burning appliances). For furnaces, you can sim-
ply turn down the thermostat to its lowest setting. Open windows
and doors for ventilation. Then call the KIDDE Safety toll-free con-
sumer hotline at 800-880-6788 for assistance.
Remember, if you call a qualified technician (such as a licensed
heating contractor, utility service technician, chimney sweep or fuel
provider) to check your residence for CO, you will most likely be
charged for a service call. KIDDE Safety customer service opera-
tors are available to answer your questions and assist you in non-
emergency situations at no charge.
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