Hydraulic Brack Actuator
The the surge brake actuator (Figure 21) is the mechanism
that activates the trailer’s brake system. This actuator
changes fluid power into mechanical power. Therefore, the
fluid level must be checked frequently to assure that the
brakes function properly.
Figure 21. Trailer Actuator
Breakaway Battery
This battery supplies the power to operate the trailer brakes
if the trailer uncouples from the tow vehicle. Be sure to
check, maintain and replace the battery according to the
battery manufacturer’ instructions.
Breakaway Switch
This switch causes the breakaway battery to operate the
electric brakes if the trailer uncouples from the tow vehicle.
The pull cable for the pull pin is connected to the tow
vehicle, and the switch is connected to the trailer. To check
for proper functioning of the switch, battery and brakes, you
must pull the pin from the switch and confirm that the brakes
apply to each wheel. You can do this by trying to pull the
trailer with the tow vehicle, after pulling the pin. The trailer
brakes may not lock, but you will notice that a greater force
is needed to pull the trailer.
Figure 20. Electrical Brake Components
The electric brakes that operate in
conjunction with the tow vehicle
brakes must be
so that braking is properly distrib-
uted to the tow vehicle brakes and
the trailer brakes. For proper op-
eration and synchronization, read
and follow the axle/brake and the brake controller
manufacturers’ instructions. To make certain an electrically-
operatedbraking system will function properly, you must have
your dealer inspect the magnets at least once a year, or
each 12,000 miles. See the brake manual for wear and cur-
rent inspection instructions.
Remember in order to properly synchronize the tow vehicle’s
braking to the trailer’s braking, can only be accomplished by
road testing. Brake lockup, grabbiness or harshness is due
to lack of synchronization between the tow vehicle and the
trailer being towed or under-adjusted brakes.
Before any brake synchronizations adjustments can be
made, the trailer brakes should be burnished-in by applying
the brakes 20-30 times with approximately a 20 m.p.h. de-
crease in speed, e.g. 40 m.p.h. to 20 m.p.h. Allow ample
time for brakes to cool between application. This allows the
brake shoes to slightly be seated into the brake drum sur-
Figure 20 displays the major electric brake components that
will require inspection and maintenance. Please inspect
these components as required. See Table 12 Electric Brake
Failure to maintain proper fluid level in the actuator may
result in loss of braking action which could cause severe
property damage, injury or death.
WARNING - Actuator Fluid Level
If electric breakaway brakes do not operate when trailer is uncoupled
from the tow vehicle, death or serious injury can occur.
Check emergency breakaway brake system BEFORE each tow.
WARNING - Breakaway Brake System