HELPLINE: Call our toll free Helpline number,
for answers to any product, installation, replacement
parts, or warranty questions.
25300 Al Moen Dr., North Olmsted, OH 44070-8022 U.S.A.
To Eliminate Cross-Piping On Back-To-Back Installations or To Correct
Reversed Rough-In Where Hot and Cold Positions Are Reversed:
Remove handle knob or handle lever, handle parts and stop tube (see "Disassembly"). Turn valve stem around so that the notched flat is turned one half
turn or 180°. Re-install handle parts and handle knob or lever. Tighten handle screw securely; replace handle cover (on knob handles).
Cleaning & Care Instructions
for Special Finish Models:
All that is necessary to clean these faucets is to wipe them with a soft, damp cloth such as terrycloth. Warm water will remove dry
water spots.
CAUTION: Do NOT use cleansers which contain abrasives or harsh chemicals. NEVER use alcohol or other organic solvents. A high
quality, non-abrasive wax polish applied occasionally, will help to preserve the deep tones of the finish.
MT659C AUG '96
© Moen Incorporated 1996
Printed in U.S.A
(800) BUY - MOEN