[ IX Troubleshooting ]
- 210 -
HWE09120 GB
1. Error Code
No ACK error
2. Error definition and error detection method
The error is detected when no acknowledgement (ACK signal) is received after the transmission. (eg. When the data is trans-
mitted six times in a row with 30 seconds interval, the error is detected on the transmission side.)
The address/attribute appeared on the display on the remote controller indicates the controller which did not provide
the response (ACK).
3. System configuration
(4) Errors that are not limited to a particular system
source ad-
Error dis-
Cause Check method and remedy
should not
be existed
- - (1) Although the address of ME
remote controller has been
changed after the group is set
using ME remote controller,
the indoor unit is keeping the
memory of the previous ad-
dress. The same symptom will
appear for the registration with
Delete unnecessary informa-
tion of non-existing address
which some indoor units have.
Use either of the following two
methods for deletion.
(2) Although the address of
LOSSNAY has been changed
after the interlock registration
of LOSSNAY is made using
ME remote controller, the in-
door unit is keeping the mem-
ory of the previous address.
1) Address deletion by ME remote
Delete unnecessary address in-
formation using the manual set-
ting function of ME remote
controller. Refer to this service
handbook "IV [2] Group Set-
tings and Interlock Settings via
the ME Remote Controller 1. (3)
Address deletion".
2) Deletion of connection informa-
tion of the outdoor unit by the
deleting switch
Note that the above method
will delete all the group set-
tings set via the ME remote
controller and all the inter-
lock settings between LOSS-
NAY units and indoor units.
Turn off the power source of
the outdoor unit, and wait for
5 minutes.
Turn on the dip switch (SW2-
2) on the outdoor unit control
Turn on the power source of
the outdoor unit, and wait for
5 minutes.
Turn off the power source of
the outdoor unit, and wait for
5 minutes.
Turn off the dip switch (SW2-
2) on the outdoor unit control
Turn on the power source of
the outdoor unit.