Mitsubishi P288T(Y)SJMU-A PUHY-P312 Air Conditioner User Manual

[ VII Control ]
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HWE09120 GB
(2) INV board
1) PUHY-P72, P96, P120, P144YJMU-A, PUHY-P72TJMU-A
Functions are switched with the following connector.
CN6 short-circuit connector is mated with the mating connector.
Leave the short-circuit connector on the mating connector during normal operation to enable error detection and protect the
equipment from damage.
2) PUHY-P96, P120, P144TJMU-A
All are set to OFF at factory shipment. Unless otherwise specified, set the switch to OFF where indicated by "-," which may
be set to a certain setting for a reason.
Leave SW1-1 to OFF during normal operation. If it is set to ON, errors cannot be detected and the unit may be damaged.
Connector Function
Function according to connec-
Setting timing
Enabled Disabled Enabled Disabled
CN6 short-
circuit con-
Enabling/disabling the following error
detection functions;
ACCT sensor failure
(5301 Detail No. 115)
ACCT sensor circuit failure
(5301 Detail No.117)
IPM open/ACCT erroneous wiring
(5301 Detail No. 119)
Detection of ACCT erroneous wiring
(5301 Detail No.120)
Error detec-
tion enabled
Error detec-
tion disable
(No load op-
eration is pos-
Anytime after power on
Switch Function
Function according to switch
Switch setting timing
SW1 1 Enabling/disabling the following error
detection functions;
ACCT/DCCT sensor failure
(5301 Detail No. 115, 116)
ACCT/DCCT sensor circuit failure
(5301 Detail No.117,118)
IPM open/Disconnected CNCT2
(5301 Detail No. 119)
Detection of erroneous wiring
(5301 Detail No.120)
Error detec-
tion enabled
Error detec-
tion disable
(No load op-
eration is pos-
Anytime after power on
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