Mitsubishi Electronics PUHY-P240Y(T)SHMU-A Air Conditioner User Manual

[ II Restrictions ]
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HWE08040 GB
(2) Power supply switch connector connection on the outdoor unit
(Factory setting: The male power supply switch connector is connected to CN41.)
*1 The need for a power supply unit for transmission lines depends on the system configuration.
*2 The replacement of the power jumper connector from CN41 to CN40 must be performed on only one outdoor unit in the
(3) Settings for the centralized control switch for the outdoor unit (Factory setting: SW2-1 are set to OFF.)
*1 Set SW2-1 on all outdoor units in the same refrigerant circuit to the same setting.
*2 When only the LM adapter is connected, leave SW2-1 to OFF (as it is).
(4) Selecting the position of temperature detection for the indoor unit (Factory setting: SW1-1 set to "OFF".)
To stop the fan during heating Thermo-OFF (SW1-7 and 1-8 on the indoor units to be set to ON), use the built-in thermistor
on the remote controller or an optional thermistor.
1) To use the built-in sensor on the remote controller, set the SW1-1 to ON.
Some models of remote controllers are not equipped with a built-in temperature sensor.
Use the built-in temperature sensor on the indoor unit instead.
When using the built-in sensor on the remote controller, install the remote controller where room temperature can be detected.
(Note) Factory setting for SW1-1 on the indoor unit of the All-Fresh Models is ON.
2) When an optional temperature sensor is used, set SW1-1 to OFF, and set SW3-8 to ON.
When using an optional temperature sensor, install it where room temperature can be detected.
(5) Various start-stop controls (Indoor unit settings)
Each indoor unit (or group of indoor units) can be controlled individually by setting SW 1-9 and 1-10.
*1. Do not cut off power to the outdoor unit. Cutting off the power supply to the outdoor unit will cut off the power supply to the
crankcase heater and may cause the compressor to malfunction when the unit is put back into operation.
*2. Not applicable to units with a built-in drain pump or humidifier.
*3. Models with a built-in drain pump cannot be turned on/off by the plug individually. All the units in the same refrigerant cir-
cuits will be turned on or off by the plug.
*4. Requires that the dipswitch settings for all the units in the group be made.
*5. To control the external input to and output from the air conditioners with the PLC software for general equipment via the
G(B)-50A, set SW1-9 and SW1-10 to ON. With these settings made, the power start-stop function becomes disabled. To
use the auto recovery function after power failure while these settings are made, set SW1-5 to ON.
System configu-
Connection to
the system con-
Power supply unit
for transmission
Group operation
of units in a sys-
tem with multiple
outdoor units
Power supply switch connector connection
System with
one outdoor unit
_ _ _ Leave CN41 as it is
(Factory setting)
System with
multiple outdoor
Not connected _ Not grouped
Grouped Disconnect the male connector from the fe-
male power supply switch connector (CN41)
and connect it to the female power supply
switch connector (CN40) on only one of the
outdoor units.
*Connect the S (shielded) terminal on the ter-
minal block (TB7) on the outdoor unit whose
CN41 was replaced with CN40 to the
ground terminal ( ) on the electric box.
With connection
to the indoor
unit system
Not required Grouped/not
With connection
to the central-
ized control
Not required
(Powered from the
outdoor unit)
Required *
Leave CN41 as it is
(Factory setting)
System configuration Centralized control switch settings *
Connection to the system controller Not connected Leave it to OFF. (Factory setting)
Connection to the system controller Connected *
Operation of the indoor unit when the operation is resumed after the unit was
Setting (SW1)
*4 *5
Power ON/OFF by
the plug
Indoor unit will go into operation regardless of its operation status before power
off (power failure). (In approx. 5 minutes)
Automatic restoration
after power failure
Indoor unit will go into operation if it was in operation when the power was
turned off (or cut off due to power failure). (In approx. 5 minutes)
Indoor unit will remain stopped regardless of its operation status before power
off (power failure).