Mitsubishi Electronics PUHY-P240Y(T)SHMU-A Air Conditioner User Manual

[ IX Troubleshooting ]
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HWE08040 GB
Items to be checked Phenomena Remedy
Check whether
the inverter is
(No load)
(1) Disconnect the inverter
output wire from the ter-
minals of the INV board
(SC-U, SC-V, SC-W).
1) Inverter-related problems are de-
Connect the short-circuit con-
nector to CN6, and go to sec-
tion [1].
(2) Disconnect the short-cir-
cuit connector from CN6
on the INV board.
2) Inverter voltage is not output at the
terminals (SC-U, SC-V, and SC-W)
Replace the INV board.
(3) Put the outdoor unit into
Check the inverter output
voltage after the inverter
output frequency has sta-
3) There is an voltage imbalance be-
tween the wires.
Greater than 5% imbalance or 5V
Replace the INV board.
4) There is no voltage imbalance be-
tween the wires.
*Reconnect the short-circuit
connector to CN6 after check-
ing the voltage.
Check whether
the inverter is
(During com-
pressor opera-
Put the outdoor unit into oper-
Check the inverter output volt-
age after the inverter output
frequency has stabilized.
1) There is an voltage imbalance be-
tween the wires.
Greater than 5% imbalance or 5V
Replace the INV board.
Check the fan
motor ground
fault or the
Remove the wire for the out-
door fan motor, and check the
fan motor megger and the
winding resistance.
1) Fan motor megger failure
Failure when the megger is 1Mohm
or less.
Replace the fan motor.
2) Fan motor disconnection
Standard: The winding resistance
is approximately several ohm.
(It varies depending on the temper-
ature, or while the inner thermo is
operating, it will be ohm)
Check the FAN
board failure.
(1) Check the fan output wir-
Connector contact failure
Board side (CNINV)
Fan motor side
Connect the connector.
(2) Check the connector CN-
VDC connection.
Cnnector contact failure Connect the connector.
(3) Check the FAN board
1) The voltage imbalance among
each motor wiring during operation
(The voltage imbalance is greater
than the larger of the values repre-
sented by 5% or 5 V.)
Replace the FAN board.
2) The same error occurs even after
the operation is restarted.