Mitsubishi Electronics P240Y(T)SHMU-A Air Conditioner User Manual

[ IX Troubleshooting ]
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(2) Inverter output related troubles
Items to be checked Phenomena Remedy
Check the
INV board er-
ror detection
(1) Disconnect the invert-
er output wire from
the terminals of the
inverter board (SC-U,
SC-V, SC-W).
1) Overcurrent error
(4250 Detail code No. 101, 104,
105, 106, and 107)
Replace the INV board.
(2) Put the outdoor unit
into operation.
2) Logic error
(4220 Detail code No. 111)
Replace the INV board.
3) ACCT sensor circuit failure
(5301 Detail code No.117)
Replace the INV board.
4) IPM open
(5301 Detail code No.119)
Check for
ground fault
or coil error.
Disconnect the compressor
wiring, and check the com-
pressor Meg, and coil resis-
1) Compressor Meg failure
Error if less than 1 Mohm.
Check that there is no liquid re-
frigerant in the compressor.
If there is none, replace the com-
2) Compressor coil resistance failure
Coil resistance value of 1 ohm
(20°C [68°F]): - P96 models
Coil resistance value of 0.6 ohm
(20°C [68°F]): P120 model
Replace the compressor.