Z07R50900 Imprimé a l’Espagne
Canadian Head Office
55G East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill
Ontario, L4B 1ES
Téléphone: (800) 565-6435
Téléphone: (905) 707-1171
Fax: (905) 707-0177
Website matters: webmaster@mieleusa.com
(Comments, suggestions, criticisme)
Product information: info@miele.ca
(Answers to Questions about Miele products for the home)
Technical Services: service@miele.ca
(Technical questions & owner’s manual requests)
Professional Products
Product Information:
(Questions about Miele products that aid the scientific community)
Showroom Locations
Miele, Ltd
400 Laurier Ave, West
Suite 600
Montreal, Quebec H2V 2K7
Téléphone: (877) 635-4353
Téléphone: (514) 277-1818
Fax: (514) 277-1838
British Columbia
Miele, Ltd
3731 North Fraser Way
Unit 200
Burnaby, British Columbia V5J 5J2
Téléphone: (604) 434-1300
Fax: (604) 434-1309
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