User's Guide for A2xx with WinCe Build # 5 34
5.4 Edit Connections
5.4.1 Edit an RDP Application
Once the application has been added, it can be edited any time. As an example, this chapter
describes the edit procedure of an RDP Application.
In the General tab:
Connection: Define/Edit Name and Server Address
Automatic Logon: To enable this you have to enter Username, Password, Domain
Figure 56 Edit Connection – General tab
Using the RDP Local Resources tab, you can configure the terminal's
Remote computer sound
• Local devices
o Disk drives: enable local USB port mapping. It supports USB disk drives, such as
USB FDD, HDD, Flash Disk and CD-ROM.
o Printers: enables local parallel port mapping. It supports both parallel printers from
LPT1 and USB printers from USB port.
o Serial ports: enables local serial ports mapping.
o Smart cards: enables local SmartCard mapping, if any.