
icomfort Wi-Fit 7−Day Programmable Communicating Thermostat
Page 55
Table 6. Troubleshooting Tips
Bold text indicates a button, or text display on the thermostat.
No. Issue / Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action / Comments
1 No electric heat operation.
The thermostat system setting
does not offer a emerg. heat choice
on an HP system.
The thermostat does not offer any
heat" choice on an AC system with
air handler with electric heat.
Electric heat was not manually
configured configured at the Air
Handler Control (AHC) before the
Wi-Fit system discov-
ery process at initial power−up.
Manually configure to discover the electric heat section(s) on the air
handling (see Page 64 or CBX32MV or CBX40UHV manual for de-
Re−setup the icomfort system by selecting the setup button in the
Installer program and press start to begin system discovery; then
reconfigure the system.
2 Thermostat Displays System Wait-
ing message and the furnace does
respond to a heating demand (no red
critical alert icon or alert messages
are displayed on the thermostat).
The furnace is in watchguard"
mode (moderate alert) and will
not display the red critical alert
icon nor be displayed in the
homeowner alert button.
Go to the installer program alert button to view all alerts and details
about those alerts.
If the furnace is in watchguard" mode, the furnace can be reset from
the Home screen by setting the thermostat system settings to off
for 20 sec, then back to heat. Then initiate a new heat demand.
3 Outdoor temperature is not displayed
on the thermostat.
Outdoor Temp Display must be
enabled to display the outdoor
temperature on the home screen.
On the home screen, press the right arrow
then press the display settings button. Click on outdoor temp dis-
play button to toggle ON.
4 A humidifier was added to the system
as non−communicating equipment
and the thermostat does not provide
the ability to adjust the RH setpoint.
Humidification Control Mode is
set for Display only" which will
not allow the icomfort system to
control the humidifier.
In the installer program, select the equipment button. Select Sys-
tem" from the device list using the up/down arrows and press the edit
button. Use up/down arrows to select Humidification Control Mode
from the list. Select the desired humidifier control mode: Basic, Preci-
sion, or Dew Point. (Basic is the most popular) and press the save
button. Follow the red instructions then exit the system.
If Humidification Control Mode is not offered as a menu item
choice, the Humidifier must be added to the icomfort system using
the Add or Remove Non−communicating equipment screen under
the thermostat installer program in the setup button.
5 The non−communicating outdoor unit
is part of the system, but the thermo-
stat does not display the outdoor unit.
The outdoor unit was not added
as a non−communicating unit dur-
ing initial system setup.
In the thermostat installer program select the setup button and follow
the on screen instructions until you reach the Add or Remove Non−
communicating equipment screen; press yes. Select Outdoor Unit
Type from the menu and press the edit button. Select 1 Stage AC Unit
or 2 Stage AC Unit and press save. Follow the red instructions then
exit the system.
table continued on next page