Piezo Ignitor
Screw Cap Of Pilot
- Room Temperature
- Set Temperature
- Flame Height Level
- Fan Speed Level
- Countdown Timer
- Low Battery
(Increases Flame
Height, Fan Speed
Timer, or Set Point)
(Decreases Flame,
Fan Speed Timer,
or Set Point)
- Auto
- On
- Off
Figure 2
Figure 3
Step 6. ON the initial use of a transmitter, a
recognition operation is required between the
receiver/valve and transmitter. Change the switch
from LOCAL to REMOTE. Press the fan or flame
button on the transmitter within 30 seconds.
The LED will blink indicating the transmitter will
now work with the receiver/valve. If the switch
continues in the REMOTE position, the transmit-
ter will now control the main valve, flame modu-
lation level and fan control.
Step 7. If the manual switch is in the LOCAL
position, the valve will be at the highest fixed
pressure setting. The transmitter will control
the fan only.
Shut Off Procedure
If the manual switch is in the REMOTE posi-
tion, the transmitter can shut off the main
burner and fan. However, the control is still on
and a command from the transmitter can turn
the main burner or fan.
To shut off the system, turn the pilotstat knob
clockwise to the OFF position. This action closes
the main gas and safety valves. The transmitter
now cannot turn on the main burner or fan.
refer to Figure 3
Off Mode
In the OFF mode, the fireplace flame and fan
are off, the display will show OFF and displays
the room temperature. If the receiver is in
REMOTE mode, the fireplace will shut off.
On (Manual) Mode
In the ON mode, the room temperature, flame
and fan levels will be shown. MANUAL will
appear next to both the flame and fan icons.
When the control is in the ON mode, the flame
and fan levels, and the delay timer are changed
with the up and down buttons. To change the
flame level, press the flame button followed by
an arrow key. To change the fan level, press the
fan key followed by an arrow key. Pushing the
arrow key once will change the level by one unit.
Delay Timer Mode
The shut off delay timer has a maximum of 2
(two) hours and a minimum of 0 (zero) min-
utes. To change the timer level, press the time
key followed by an arrow key. Pushing the key
once will change the timer by 10 (ten) minutes.
Auto Mode
In the AUTO mode, the room temperature, set
temperature, flame and fan levels will be shown.
AUTO will appear next to both the flame and
fan icons.
When the control is in the AUTO mode, the
main burner will turn on/off or modulate based
on the heat needed to maintain the set tempera-
ture. The flame level will change automatically
to optimize the heat output needed to maintain
the set temperature. To change the set tem-
perature, press the up or down key. Pushing a
key once will change the temperature by 1
(one) degree. The setting temperature range
from 40° F (4.5° C) to 90° F (32.0° C).
In the AUTO mode, the fan speed will increase
with increasing flame height or decrease with
decreasing flame height. "AUTO" is displayed
next to the flame and fan icons.
Fan Override During Auto Mode
If a lower or higher fan speed is desired when
operating in the AUTO mode, the fan speed can
be overridden by pushing the fan button fol-
lowed by the up or down key.
Pushing a key once will change the fan level by
one unit. In this mode "AUTO" is displayed next
to the flame icon and "MANUAL" is displayed
next to the fan icon.
Change Between F/C Temperature Units
Push the up and down arrow keys simulta-
neously for at least 3 seconds to toggle be-
tween Fahrenheit and Celsius units.
Disable Thermostat Function
To disable the thermostat function in the AUTO
mode, push the time and down key simulta-
neously for at least 3 seconds.