Figure 41 - Sweep Away Debris from Behind Window Wash Bracket
Frequency of 1 year)
Accessing Ash Clean-Out Ports – Model: Profi le 20 FS-2
1) Open fi rebox door.
2) Remove Firebrick Panels:
a. Remove the two fi rebrick retainer brackets using a 5/16” nut
driver (located on the left and right side of the fi rebrick inside
fi rebox). Loosen the screws (do not remove) until screw heads
can be removed through the key hole slots in the brackets.
b. With the brick retainer brackets removed, lift fi rebrick panels up
and out.
3) Using an approved ash vacuum (a brush can also be used), remove
the ash build-up.
4) Reinstall fi rebrick panels.
5) Close fi rebox door.
Figure 42 - Ash Clean-Out Ports, Profi le 20 FS-2
(fi rebox viewed from front with
fi rebrick panels removed)
(Recommended Fre-
quency of 1-2 months)
Vacuum Out Fly Ash
Clean-Out Ports (indi-
cated by arrows)
Accessing Ash Clean-Out Ports – Model: Profi le 30 FS-2 and Profi le
30 INS-2
1) Open fi rebox door.
2) Using a 5/16” nut driver, loosen the screws on the two clean-out covers
(until screw heads will release through the key hole slots). Remove
3) Using an approved ash vacuum (a brush can also be used), remove
the ash build-up.
4) After cleaning, reinstall the clean-out covers and tighten screws.
5) Close fi rebox door.
Remove Covers And
Vacuum Out Fly Ash
(Minimum Frequency
of 1-2 months)
UltraGrate™ (Burn Grate for All Models)
Inspect the UltraGrate periodically so that the air holes don't clog with ash
or clinkers. The UltraGrate can easily be cleaned with the grate scraper
/ ash pan tool, or it can be removed for cleaning. It is very important to
monitor the ash build up under the UltraGrate, as too much of ash will
block combustion air from entering the grate, causing pellets to pile-up
in the grate. The ash build-up under the grate is easily dumped into the
ash pan by pulling out the ash slide weekly (see Ash Slide Plate, Figure
45). The grate cleaning procedure is the same for all models.
Figure 44 - Inspect UltraGrate and Clean if Necessary
(Recommended Frequency
of 1 day – 2 weeks)
Figure 43 - Accessing Ash Clean-Out Ports – Profi le 30 Series
• Ensure appliance is cold before beginning.
• Firebrick panels must be installed before operat-
ing unit.
• Model profi le
30-2 series has a cover installed
over each clean-out port. The covers must be
reinstalled before operating the unit.
• Ash clean-out ports must be cleaned out as part
of routine maintenance.
Ash Clean-out Ports