Limited Wa rranty
Important: Do not remove back cover. Back cover removal will
void warranty.
Your Kidde Carbon Monoxide Alarm is not a substitute for pro p e rt y, d i s -
a b i l i t y, life or other insurance of any kind. Appropriate insurance cov-
erage is your responsibility. Consult your insurance agent.
Also, Kidde makes no warranty, express or implied, written or
oral, including that of merchantability or fitness for any particular
purpose, with respect to the batteries.
The above warranty may not be altered except in writing signed
by both parties hereto.
For Warranty Service:
In many cases the quickest way to exchange your CO alarm is to
re t u rn it to the original place of purchase. If you have questions,
call the KIDDE customer service department at
1-800-880-6788 for assistance.
Please send products and all other correspondence to:
N o t e s
130 Esna Park Drive, Markham, ON, L3R 1E3
Consumer Hotline: 1-800-880-6788
w w w. k i d d e . c a
Kidde / Pyrene Corp.
Attn.: Customer Service Department
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