F r equently Asked Questions
How many CO alarms do I need?
T h e r e is no formula for determining how many CO
a l a rms you will need. It all depends on the layout of your home,
how many bedrooms you have, where the heat sources are ,
and where the fuel-burning appliances are located. The
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) re c o m m e n d s
installing at least one carbon monoxide alarm with an audible
w a rning signal near the sleeping area.
Do I have to press the test button to get a CO re a d i n g
No. Your Kidde CO alarm continuously monitors the air
for carbon monoxide. The CO alarm will alert you to the pre s-
ence of CO automatically. To test the internal components and cir-
c u i t ry of your CO alarm, press the test/reset button.
Wall Mounting Te m p l a t e
If you are going to mount your Kidde CO Alarm to the wall, you
may use this template for exact placement of the two wall mount
screws provided. For more information about mounting to the wall,
please refer to page 8.
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