Hand grip contro l s
ON-OFF Switch
The ON-OFF switch (A) for the Power Unit
is located on the hand grip of the hose.
3. How to use
Floor Surface Switch
The floor surface switch (B) on the hand
grip controls the agitator on the nozzles.
“RUG” turns agitator brush roll ON.
“BARE” turns agitator brush roll OFF.
Handle positions
The handle has two positions when used with
the power nozzle: upright and operating.
To lower handle to operating position, place
your foot firmly on the power nozzle and pull
handle back.
Brushed edge cleaning
B r ushed edge cleaning is provided on
both sides of the nozzle to remove embed-
ded dirt in carpet near baseboard and fur-
n i t u re. Guide side of nozzle parallel to
edge of carpet or furn i t u re as shown.
Suction re g u l a t o r
The suction regulator (C) is located on one
of the metal wands.
Open the suction regulator for less suction
when cleaning lightweight fabrics or thro w
rugs. Close the suction regulator (as
shown) for maximum suction.
If power nozzle is difficult to push on some
carpet, open the suction re g u l a t o r. This will
p revent damage to the belt.
Cleaning tools
The cleaning tools have many uses. Select
the tool best suited for the cleaning task
f rom the descriptions below.
1 . C r evice tool may be used in tight
spaces, corners and along edges in such
places as dresser drawers, upholstere d
f u rn i t u r e, stairs and baseboard s .
2 . Furniture nozzle may be used for
u p h o l s t e red furn i t u r e, draperies, tapestries,
m a t t resses, clothing, automobile interiors
and carpeted stairs.
3 . Dusting brush may be used for carv e d
f u rn i t u r e, table tops, books, lamps, lighting
f i x t u res, venetian blinds, baseboards, shut-
ters and re g i s t e r s .
4 . Wall/floor brush may be used for walls
and wood, vinyl, brick, slate and other hard
s u r face floors.
Connect cleaning tools to hand grip or
wands as shown in assembly section.