S e rv i c e
To obtain approved HOOVER service and
genuine HOOVER parts, locate the neare s t
H o over Fa c t o ry Service Center or
Au t h o r i zed Hoover Warranty Serv i c e
Dealer (Depot) b y :
• checking the Yellow Pages under
“ Vacuum Cleaners - Household”
OR -
• checking the list of Factory Service
Centers provided with this cleaner
OR -
• calling 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 4 4 - 9 2 0 0 for an
automated re f e r ral of authorized
s e r vice outlet locations (U.S. only)
OR -
• checking the Service section of
The Hoover Company online at
w w w. h o ov e rc o m p a ny. c o m
Do not send your cleaner to The Hoover
Company in North Canton for service, this
will only result in delay.
If further assistance is needed, contact The
Hoover Company Consumer Response
C e n t e r, North Canton, Ohio 44720
Phone: 330-499-9499.
In Canada, contact Hoover Canada,
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A8,
Phone: 1-800-263-6376.
Always identify your cleaner by the c o m-
p l e t e model number when re q u e s t i n g
i n f o r mation or ordering parts. (The model
number appears on the bottom of the
c l e a n e r. )
Problem: Nozzle won’t pick-up
Possible cause
Possible solution
• Low suction.
• Check Power Unit filter.
• Blockage in system.
• Remove blockage.
• Agitator brush roll not running.
• See preceeding section.
• Agitator brush roll brushes
• Replace brushes.
The power unit of your HOOVER®
Central Vacuum System is warranted in
n o r mal household use, in accordance with
the instructions provided with your power
unit, against original defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of five
years from date of purchase. In addition,
the suction motor of the power unit of
Model S5673 is warranted for an addition-
al 2 years and the suction motors of
Model S5573 and Model S5675 are war-
ranted for an additional 5 years against
original defects in materials and workman-
ship. This warranty applies when the pro d -
uct is purchased in the United States
including its territories and possessions,
or from a U.S. Military Exchange. A
product purchased elsewhere is cov-
ered by a limited warranty which covers
the cost of parts only for the time peri-
ods given above. For Canada, see
Canadian Warranty.
This warranty does not apply if the
power unit is used in a commercial or
rental application.
This warranty covers all labor and parts
necessary to place the power unit in
correct operating condition during the
warranty period.
Warranty service can only be obtained
by presenting the power unit to a
Hoover Factory Service Center listed on
the back of this warranty. Proof of pur-
chase may be required.
This warranty does not cover pick-up,
delivery or house calls; however, if
youmail your power unit to a Hoover
Factory Service Center for warranty ser-
vice, transportation will be paid one
way under this warranty.
This warranty does not cover installa-
tion damages, installation materials, or
damage to the power unit caused by
defective or improper installation of the
Central Vacuum System.
While this warranty gives you specific
legal rights, you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state.
If there are any questions concerning
this warranty, or the availability of war-
ranty service outlets, write or phone the
Consumer Response Center,
The Hoover Company, 101 East Maple
Street, North Canton, Ohio 44720.
Phone (330) 499-9499.
Limited Warranty
(Domestic Use)
Applies in United States Only
- SEVEN YEARS - Model S5673
- TEN YEARS - Model S5573 &
Model S5675
Clearing blockages
Remove larger items from carpet and floor
s u r faces before vacuuming to help pre v e n t
o b s t r uctions in the hose, wands or nozzle
c o n n e c t o r, and maintain the cleaning eff e c -
tiveness of your Central Vacuum System.
1. To check for obstructions, first press ON-
OFF Switch on hand grip to “OFF” to turn
o f f Power Unit.
2. Disconnect nozzle power cord and
wands from hand grip.
3. Tu r n “ON” Power Unit and check hose
end for suction. Remove any obstruction.
4. Remove nozzle from wands and attach
wands to hose. Check for suction and
remove any obstru c t i o n s .
5 .B e fo r e attaching nozzle to wands,
check nozzle connector (A).
6. Push nozzle connector down to lowest
position. Look into nozzle connector and
remove any obstru c t i o n s .
L u b r i c a t i o n
The motor is equipped with two bearings
that contain sufficient lubrication for the life
of the motor. The addition of lubricant
could cause damage. T h e r e fo r e,do not
a dd lubricant to either motor bearing.
The agitator is equipped with two ball
bearings that should be lubricated periodi-
cally by a Hoover Factory Service Center
or an authorized Hoover Wa r ranty Serv i c e
Dealer (Depot).