Honeywell TH4110B Thermostat User Manual

PRO TH4110B Programmable Thermostat
This thermostat is ready to go!
Your new thermostat is pre-programmed and ready to go.All you have to do is set
the time and day.Then check the settings below and change if needed:
SSeett ttiimmee aanndd ddaayy ((rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr pprrooppeerr ooppeerraattiioonn))
................................See page 6
SSeelleecctt ssyysstteemm sseettttiinngg ((HHeeaatt//CCooooll))::
Preset to Heat..............To change, see page 7
SSeelleecctt ffaann sseettttiinngg ((AAuuttoo//OOnn))::
Preset to Auto ......................To change, see page 8
PPrrooggrraamm sscchheedduulleess::
Preset to energy-saving levels
while you’re at work or asleep (assumes you
wake at 6 am, leave at 8 am, return at 6 pm
and go to bed at 10 pm) ..............................................To change, see pages 9-11
ONE-TOUCH TEMP CONTROL: You can override the program schedule at any time,
and manually adjust the temperature (see pages 12-13).