T7300A1005 Honeywell logo. See subbase description for replacement
T7300A1013 York logo; part no. 025-27506.
T7300A1021 Lennox logo; part no. 81G5901.
T7300A1039 Trane logo; part no. THT-0608.
T7300A1047 Micrometl logo; part no. 901-114.
T7300A1054 Honeywell logo with international faceplate.
T7300A1062 Carrier logo; part no. HH07AX005.
T7300A1070 Roca logo with international faceplate.
T7300A1088 Honeywell logo with Spanish faceplate.
T7300A1104 Honeywell logo; Premier White® color.
T7300A1120 Luxaire logo; part no. 6ET04700224A.
T7300B Multistage conventional and heat pump thermostat with 3-HOUR OVERRIDE key on cover.
T7300B1003 Honeywell logo. See subbase description for replacement
T7300B1011 Climate Control logo; part no. 490249B-05.
T7300B1029 McQuay logo; part no. 490249B-06.
T7300B1037 Arcoaire logo; part no. 1506746.
T7300B1045 Comfortmaker logo; part no. 1505746.
T7300B1052 Honeywell logo; Premier White® color.
T7300C Multistage conventional and heat pump thermostat with limited access cover.
T7300C1001 Honeywell logo. See subbase description for replacement
T7300C1019 Honeywell logo; Premier White® color.
T8611M Three-stage heat and 2-stage cool heat pump thermostat; System: EM HEAT-HEAT-OFF-AUTO-COOL; fan switch: ON-AUTO.
T8611M7008 Honeywell logo; TRADELINE® model. T7300E2004/Q7300C2020 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X, X4 to X
field-installed jumper required.
T8611M7040 Honeywell logo; TRADELINE® model; remote sensor
T7300E2020/Q7300C2020 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X, X4 to X
field-installed jumper required; purchase new
remote 2-wire sensors separately.
T8611M7057 Honeywell logo; TRADELINE® Premier White® color
model; remote sensor capability.
T7300E2020/Q7300C2020 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X, X4 to X
field-installed jumper required; purchase new
remote 2-wire sensors separately.
T8611M7065 Trol-A-Temp® by Honeywell logo; Premier White® color. None See Trol-A-Temp® representative for
T8611M7073 Trane logo; white styling; part no. TAYSTAT502. T7300E2004/Q7300C2020 Wiring differences (old=new): B=X, F=X1,
X2=E, Y1=Y, X4 to X field-installed jumper
T8621A 1-stage heat and 1-stage cool conventional thermostat; two transformer capability; system switch: HEAT-AUTO-COOL-OFF;
fan switch: ON-AUTO.
T8621A7002 Honeywell logo; TRADELINE® model. T7300D2007/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X.
T8621A7010 Honeywell logo; Canadian TRADELINE® model. T7300D2007/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X.
T8621A7028 Amana logo. T7300D2007/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X.
T8621A7036 Trane logo; part no. THT-0605, order no. 13510323-15-7. T7300D2007/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X.
T8621A7044 Honeywell logo; TRADELINE® model; remote sensor
T7300D2049/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X; purchase
new remote 2-wire sensors separately.
T8621A7051 McQuay logo; Premier White® color; part no. 067114201. T7300D2007/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X.
T8621A7069 Honeywell logo; TRADELINE® Premier White® color
model; remote sensor capability.
T7300D2049/Q7300A2008 Wiring differences (old=new): C=X; purchase
new remote 2-wire sensors separately.
T8621B 1-stage heat and 2-stage cool conventional thermostat; one transformer capability; System: HEAT-AUTO-COOL-OFF; fan
switch: ON-AUTO
Table 15. Thermostat and Subbase Cross Reference. (Continued)
Model Number Description Trade Replacement Remarks