Honeywell T6051A1057 Thermostat User Manual

i Fig. 5-T6051A in heating only application.
I. 9-T6051A used as a series 60 controller, 3.wire,
line voltage, two position control.
The T6052A is for two stage heating or cooling
systems. Switches make stages 1 and 2 in sequence.
The T605’2B is for heating-cooling with auto changeover;
stage 1 makes on temperature fall; stage 2 makes on
: ‘Fig. 6-T6051A ‘in,,cooling only application.
temperature rise.
Fig. IO-Typical hookup of T6052A to control tn
stage heating system.
ig. 7-T6051A in heat-cool control for separate heating,
and cooling equipment.
g. 8-T6051A Heat-Cool Control for combination
heating-cooling equipment.