i12OV AC1240V AC
The T4051, T6051, and T6052 are heavy duty. line
T4051A.B.Da I I
voltage thermostats used to control fan coils, fans, motor T6051A gleat)b 1 Full load
1 16 1, 8
starters, valves, contactors, and circulator motors in
76052AI.Lagel)~I~ ,I /
/ 4B
heating and/or cooling systems.
T6052B (Auto i ;ii.i
changeover heat Locked rotm 96
The T4051 A is for heating only control. The T4051 B and cool)
T605tA (cool)
‘IS for cooling only control. The T4051D is for electric
Full&ad :~ 8 4
‘heat applications and is used without a subbase.
T6052A (stage 2) Locked rotor 48 ~24
The T6051A may be used in heating only systems,
aT4051D also has non-inductive rating: 19 amps at
277~ ac; 22 amps at 12Ol24Ov ac.
cooling only ‘systems, combination heat-cool systems
,(changeover must be provided), or as a series 60 con-
bT6051 D may be used without subbase for 22 amp non-
troller for valves and motors.
inductive load switching.
Pilot duty rating (all models): 125 va.
: The T6052A is for two stage heating or two stage
jcooling systems. The T6052B is for one stage heating-
cooling systems with automatic changeover.
The 0651 Subbase may be used with the thermostats
1. Disconnect power supply before making wiring
bo provide system switching at the thermostat location.
connections to prevent electrical shock and
iRefer to applicable specification sheet for additional
equipment damage.
2. Installer must be a trained, experienced
3. Always conduct a thorough checkout when in-
~Electrical ratings for the heavy duty thermostats are
stallation is complete.
given in Table 1.
Fig. l-Mounting therlmostat to outlet box.
Form NlirnbF,
Rev. 6-72
R es, S" 10 D,.. '2 ,' /