search for the atomic time signal. It usually takes between 5-8 minutes.
NOTE: Do not press any buttons on the main unit during auto search
as it may interrupt product’s operation, and you will need to start set
up procedure again.
Once the atomic time signal is received, the date and time will be set
automatically, and the [ ] icon will appear.
NOTE: It is necessary t o set your Time Zone, having in mind that the
default zone is a Pacific Standard Time (PST). (Refer to MANUAL
SETTINGS section)
If the time signal has not been received in 8 minutes, you may use the
MODE button to set the time and date manually . (Refer to the MANUAL
SETTINGS section).
After the clock is set manually, place the Weather Forecaster by the
window for the better reception. The atomic clock receiver is programmed
that it will continue to search for the atomic time signal daily for every
hour between 1:00 am and 4:30 am.
Once the time signal has been successfully received, the time and date
will be updated automatic ally.
The Weather Forecaster with Dual Projection displays current time in two
display modes – in hour-minutes-seconds and in hour-minutes-day
The date is displayed in month-date format below the current time with
the day of the week and US map.
It is necessary to set the desired TIME ZONE.
· Press MODE button so that the Day of the Week abbreviation is
displayed to the right of the time; for example: pm 2:37tu
· Select the Time Zone by pressing and holding the “▲” or UP
button for 3 seconds.
· Keep holding “▲” or UP button until the desired US Time Zone
(Pacific, Mountain, Central or Eastern) is highlighted on the
display’s US map, located to the right of the time display and
above the day of the week.
· Release the “▲” or UP button. The Time Zone is set.
· Press and hold MODE button for 3 seconds: the year will flash.
Press UP (▲) or DOWN (▼) to change flashing digits.
· After the year is set, press MODE button again to confirm and
move to the next parameter.
· Continue setting month, date, hour, minutes, language for the
day of the week and temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
· Press MODE for the last time to return to the time of day with
seconds, after the last parameter is set.
The Weather Forecaster with Dual Projection has two time alarms –
Weekday alarm (W) and Single day alarm(S) - and one Ice Warning
Alarm (PRE-AL).
· If Weekday alarm is activated, it will sound at the set time and
the alarm icon will flash Mondays through Fridays.
· If Single day alarm is activated, it will sound at the set time and
the alarm icon will flash only for this specific day and will not
activate on subsequent days.
· If Ice Warning Alarm is activated, in will sound at the set time