Rev 2.0
63-7048 1998 Honeywell Inc.
Page 10 of 22
adjusting a single input value, we can achieve a control point that satisfied every one of
the thousands of combinations of the variables.
. By adjusting a single knob setting we can provide a solution for the entire range
of five input variables. Figure 7 shows the operational characteristics of the H1008
Automatic Humidity Control with HumidiCalc+
Figure 7 – Operation Characteristics of the H1008 Automatic Humidity
Control with HumidiCalc+
The H1008 Automatic Humidity Control with HumidiCalc+
attempts to control the
humidity level to a dewpoint of 50
F. The control continuously monitors the calls for
heat and maintains a running estimate of the current percent on of the equipment. Based
on the knob setting, the H1008 calculates the maximum allowable dewpoint for the
current percent on. If this value is less than 50
F, that becomes the new control point.
How Does it Work Under Real World Conditions? Very Well, Thank You.
The discussion thus far has been limited to the analysis around steady state conditions;
that is conditions where the heating load is not changing. We know, of course, that in the
real world conditions are not always steady state. If either the outdoor temperature or the
setpoint changes, the heating load changes. Of particular interest to us is what happens
when the setpoint changes, either manually or automatically through the use of
programmable thermostats. This causes a step change to the heating load, a much faster
change in load than will occur due to even the most rapid changes in outdoor temperature.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100
Percent On
Maximum Allowable Dewpoint
Knob Setting = 1
Knob Setting = 2
Knob Setting = 3
Knob Setting = 4
Knob Setting = 5
Knob Setting = 6
Knob Setting = 7
Knob Setting = 8
Knob Setting = 9
Knob Setting = 10