15 EN1Z-0909GE51 R0708
¾ In the UserName field, enter your user name without blanks, for example,
JohnLogan for John Logan.
¾ Click on the Continue button.
¾ On this page of the User Registration screen, enter you personal data such as
First Name, Last Name, Country and Company in the fields of the same name.
¾ Click on the Send button.
RESULT: You will receive two e-mails with your login data from the
CentraLine Product Team: one with your personal data and the
other with your password which is needed for future access of the
license server.
¾ Please check your e-mail for the login data and keep them safe.
¾ Shift to the CentraLine Server and enter your Username and the password in the
corresponding fields on the left.
¾ Click on the Login button.
RESULT: The License Overview screen displays.
¾ Click on the New License button.
RESULT: The New License screen displays.
¾ Click in the Reference Code field and press CRTL+V key to paste the reference
code. If no reference code is inserted, shift to the COACH Registration dialog
box, highlight the reference code and click on the Copy icon
. Shift to the New
License screen on the License server and paste the reference code into the
Reference Code field by pressing CRTL+V key.
¾ Enter the COACH voucher number from the CentraLine Software CD into the
Voucher Number field.
¾ Enter a free comment into the Free comment field if desired.
¾ Click on the Send button.
RESULT: The license key is generated.
¾ Highlight the license key and press CRTL+C key to copy it to the clipboard.
¾ Shift to the COACH Registration dialog box.
In COACH Registration Dialog Box
¾ Click into the License key field.
¾ Paste the license key into the License key field key by clicking CRTL+V key or
by clicking on the
Paste icon.
¾ Click on the Register License button.
RESULT: In the message box displayed, confirm the registration by clicking
the OK button. Depending on the licence, the available features will
be displayed in the Features area.
NOTE: For more information on the features, please refer to the “Upgrades”
¾ Close the Registration dialog box by clicking OK.
For procedures on how to:
- Show and modify a license
- Upgrade a license
- Replace a license
- Transfer a license
- View the License history
please view the online documentation on the CentraLine License Server by clicking
on the Help menu there.