Honeywell F50F Air Cleaner User Manual

STEP 1 Use a large enough container, such as a
laundry tub or trash container, to hold one or
both cell(s).
NOTE: Sharp corners on the cell(s) can scratch
the surface of a bathtub.
STEP 2 Dissolve about 3/4 cup of automatic dishwasher
detergent per cell in enough hot water to cover
the cell(s). If the detergent does not dissolve
readily, or forms a scum on the water, try
another brand, or use softened water.
STEP 3 After the detergent has completely dissolved,
place the cell(s) in the container and let soak for
15 to 20 minutes. Agitate them up and down a
few times, and remove.
STEP 4 Next, wash the prefilter(s) the same way. Empty
and rinse the wash container.
STEP 5 Rinse the cell(s) and prefilter(s) with a hard
spray of very hot water; rinse the tub clean,
then fill the tub with clean hot water and soak
for 5 to 15 minutes. Rinse until the water
draining from the cell(s) and prefilter(s) no
longer feels slippery.
STEP 6 Soak cell(s) and prefilter(s) in a final clear water
rinse for 10 minutes.
STEP 7 Wipe the ionizer wires and contact board on the
end of the cell using your thumb and forefinger
with a small, damp cloth.